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Working with GMO

At SmiLe you can work with GMO in the cell labs (BSL-2) and in the protein lab (BSL-1). But before you start growing genetically modified bacteria, or cells with reporter genes, you are required by law to perform a risk assessment and fill out a registration form.
SmiLe has the overall responsibility for the GMO facilities, L-verksamhet (cell labs) and F-verksamhet (protein lab). But each company is responsible for the GMO applications they perform in these facilities. You need to notify SmiLe before you start any new application and provide the filled out forms. We will then add them to our documentation and notify the Swedish Work Environment Authorities (more information here). You can download the official instructions ‘innesluten användning av genetiskt modifierade mikroorganismer‘ below, along with the required forms.

If you need help, contact Martina.

GMO applications in the cell labs

All three cell labs are registered as L-verksamhet (GMO facility for BSL2 ). The registration number (sometimes even referred to as facility ID) = ‘diarienummer’ is 2018/034648.

  • download GMO application form and the guidelines from the authorities below
  • responsible person for your GMO application is you, not SmiLe
  • use the following room numbers
    • Cell lab 1: 343
    • Cell lab 2: 344
    • Cell lab 3 (Virus lab): 334
  • send the complete form to Martina

GMO application in the Protein lab

The Protein lab registered as facility for BSL1 / F-versamhet.
Before you can work with GMO you need do a risk assessment, fill out the registration form and send it to Martina. Download form and official guidelines below.

Updated on April 5, 2024

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