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Core facilities at Lund University

Learn about the technological platforms and services available from Lund University.

IQ Biotechnology Platform

  • Electron microscopy: SEM, TEM, CLEM
  • Biacore and Bio-PLex
  • QuantStudio RT-PCR

Contact: Heiko Herwald, iq_platform@med.lu.se
BMC, Lund University
home page

SCIBLU genomics microarray facility

  • Gene expression profiling and detection of structural variations and CNVs with Affymetrix microarray platform
  • Targeted gene expression analysis with NanoString nCounter system

Contact: Lina Olsson, sciblu@immun.lth.se
Medicon village, building 406
home page

Center for translational genomics

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Single cell genomics
  • Genomic analysis at Clinical Molecular Diagnostics (CMD)

Contact: Ingrid Wilson, CTGservice@med.lu.se
BMC, Lund University
home page

Proteoforms: Mass spectrometry proteomics

  • High end mass spectrometry with Thermo Q Exactive HF-X mass spectrometer with uHPLC
  •  Comparative quantitative analysis of proteomes

Contact: Valentina Siino, valentina.siino@immun.lth.se
Medicon Village, building 406
home page

Updated on August 9, 2019

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