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Bioreactor, mammalian cells

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About this instrument

The controller can be used for single- and multi-use bioreactors from 50 mL (working volume) up to a total volume of 3 L. The current configuration is optimised for cell culture and not suitable for bacterial cultures. For bacterial cultures, see here.

Compatible single-use bioreactors are AppliFlexST (Applikon) or CellReady 3l (Merck).

  • 3 channel MFC for precise control of Oxygen, Nitrogen and CO2
  • 1 valve control for air overlay
  • four peristaltic pumps for adding e.g. base and glucose
  • Sensors for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and temperature
  • heating blanket for temperature control
  • Lucullus LITE is provided for data logging

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Workflow overview & check list

  • Preparation
    • perform two point calibration (pH4 and pH7) of pH sensor
    • autoclave pH and DO sensors, liquid addition bottles and tubes
  • Polarisation of DO sensor
    • fill reaktor vessel with medium (laf bench)
    • connect reactor to controller
      • air overlay on
      • heating blanket on (20%)
      • stirrer set on low
      • pH sensor can be connected but on hold
      • temperature sensor on (fill tube with water)
    • leave for least 4h or over night
    • perform one-point calibration of DO = 100%
    • check pH of medium (be sure that medium tolerates pH)
  • Inoculation & start
    • connect liquid addition bottles and prime the pumps
    • start data logging in lucullus
    • move reactor including pH and DO sensors and liquid addition bottles to laf bench
    • inoculate with syringe
    • reconnect sensors cables and peristaltic pumps
    • mount off-gas filter heating
    • In Web UI, start all controllers and off gas filter heating
    • add a comment in Lucullus ‘inoculation’ to generate time stamp
Updated on August 7, 2023

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