Microscope, upright fluorescent

Leica DMRE

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About this instrument

  • For fluorescence and bright field pictures.
  • Filters: DAPI, FITC, Rhodamine
  • DIC
  • Objectives 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x (PL APO), 63x (oil), 100x (oil, PL FLUOTAR)
  • Color camera and Leica LAS X imaging software

Tips & tricks

Adjusting the focus speed

The focus can move in small steps – fine focus- or in bigger steps – coarse focus. If the focus does not seem to move you are probably in fine focus mode / steps 1.

  1. Check step value on display
  2. Use the ,steps’ buttons to switch ’steps’ to higher value, steps 2 or 3.

Instructions and manuals

Tutorial at Zeiss Campus

Updated on March 3, 2023

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